June 09, 2007

running up that hill....

Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building,
Say, if I only could, oh...
~Kate Bush
So last night sucked. It was HARD. WAY harder than Race for the Cure. It was hot as hell and the course was hilly and, have I mentioned it was hot? I wanted to quit so many times. I wanted to cut a corner and finish sooner. I wanted to stop in the middle and just be done so I didn't have to keep walking/trudging because what I was doing was WAY closer to trudging than running.

I am sure there were a ton of people looking at me thinking "what the hell is she doing?" but every time I do this...ok, the 2 times I've done this it definitely inspires me to take better care of myself and do better because I don't want that to be that hard. I want to do this one again next year and not finish the last hill and turn and be completely sure I was going to pass out (because for about 1 minute there, I thought I was going down) - I want to RUN more of this than I walk.

It's interesting because there were times during this my body was totally cooperating and I was running and it felt great -- it felt amazingly freeing and powerful to just run like that but then there were times with my body was like "yo lady, pipe down up there, you are carrying about 50 pounds more than I'm comfortable carrying, don't forget that" and those moments SUCKED! But I can keep working at this and keep trying to do better. Training for this half marathon is going to kick my butt but it's going to really push me forward. Mostly I just don't want to feel as bad at the end of the half marathon as I felt last night.

Then again, no matter how bad I felt or looked -- I had a very cute guy bring me water, beers and hot dogs -- what could be so bad about that?

1 comment:

The Daily Llama said...

Honey! Liam, Aidan and I all were so proud of you! I want those pictures of you with the 'monk' I don't care that you were sweaty and tired, you DID it! You finished! Nobody pushed you, nobody helped you, nobody other than you did it for yourself and that is GREAT! You are fantastic! and you make GREAT potato salad!