June 12, 2007

step by step

and no, i don't mean the hideous tv show with suzanne somers and patrick duffy...

i mean step aerobics class. i don't think i'm a girl meant to step, i'm WAY to uncoordinated for that.

but otherwise, since the 5k that almost killed me, i've been good.

the times were finally posted on the web for race for the cure and running of the monk and man, i gotta admit, i got a bit of a charge out of seeing my name there, even if the times were dismal. they'll get better because i'll keep working on it.

sunday though was a bonanza of exercising fun. i went walking with holly and makenna in the morning - we did the 6.6 mile loop in valley forge park and then went to the gym with andy and the swimming with him and the kidlets. and then ate way too much for dinner. good times. oh well, it was one of the lovliest sundays i've had in eons and eons, so you won't hear a complaint out of me!

i have been thinking though over the last few days - i struggle with being assertive. i need to work on that for myself...at work, with my friends....i'm really reluctant to express my needs/desires/ideas because i'm afraid of the results of that expression. there's another project to work on.

tomorrow i am going to do a high ropes course as a team building exercise with work and then thursday night i'll make sure i get to the gym before movie night. friday night i'll get myself to the gym to do something physical and then saturday morning andy and i have another 5k. after that i'm all out of races so i need to find some more to sign up for.

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