May the fine folks in Beaverton come after me for stealing their catch phrase!
I'm restructuring this blog a bit to focus on the things that I'm focusing on in my life -- health, happiness and peace. I have a new found desire and inspiration for all of them.
Through all of this though, I anticipate further understanding who I am and what I want.
For now though I'm a 34 year old, IT manager. I'm a friend, a daughter, a novice walk/runner, a bad singer, good cook, home decorator, cat mommy, lover of nature and politics and a wanna be coach and activist.
Who am I? Maybe this blog will shed some light on it. Maybe not -- that would require me updating it frequently. I think we can all agree on the following:
I'm funny * I'm kind * I'm intelligent * I'm caring * I'm thoughtful * I'm political * I'm engaged in the world *