May 21, 2007

What the hell is happening to me?

So, I'm getting my act together.

No, really I am and it's kind of scaring me. I didn't really even plan for it to happen, it just seems to be happening.

In January I decided to join Weight Watchers and just give it a whirl and see what happens...since then I've been taking pretty darn good care of myself, I've really started an exercise program and I walked/ran a 5K on May 13.

See? Andy and me after the race

I'm not sure what the change has been...has it been spending a fair bit of time with someone who is very active? Is it that I'm 34 and I don't want to feel like an old woman any sooner than necessary? Is it the fact that I have had back problems for years and losing weight/getting stronger is only going to help that? Is it just wanting to be true to myself and take care of myself?

Who knows and on some level, who cares -- it's probably one from column A, one from column B but here I am -- almost 30 pounds down and with 2 5K races on my calendar in June. I have very meager running ambitions -- right now I just want to be able to run 1 mile straight and to finish a 5K in less than 40 minutes. For real runners that is laughable but for me? Well, for me it'd be a huge accomplishment. I have even loftier goals but for now, we'll focus on the first one.

So I'm going to start tracking my progress and what I'm doing and see what I can come up with. I'm trying to keep moving every day, be healthy every day.

I focused on just losing weight at first and while I still want to do that (goodness knows I have a ways to go) I also want to focus on eating better foods, whole foods -- really focus on being HEALTHY and not just making my life easier. Easier will be having more energy and being healthier -- everything else will fall into place with that.

Oh yeah, and I signed up for coach training tonight.

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