May 24, 2007

2 days off...but back on the wagon tomorrow

last night i went out to dinner with my dad and alison and tonight i just took care of some fun stuff like changing kitty litter and working late which meant no gym but i think i'm going to go walking/running in the morning and maybe lift weights after work as i'm going out for day late movie night later in the evening so i'll have time after work to do some stuff.

saturday i'm doing the ridley creek loop with kathleen, sunday i'm going to do a training walk for the breast cancer 3 day and then monday holly, makenna and i are planning a walk in valley forge park.

i'm all registered for coach training, sign, sealed and delivered! i have to order my text books this weekend and off i go. i'm so excited!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so proud of the changes you have made. And you deserve to feel fantastic! Stick to it and you'll be surprised at how quickly things will get easier.

Oh, and if you're linking to my blog - it's Or maybe that's someone else that you're linking to? Just a heads up!