September 15, 2007

only half?


i'm doing a half marathon tomorrow.

i've got to put this into perspective because right now i am panicking.

yes, there are people who will finish this in 1 hour

i will finish it in about 3:30 and that is fine because this is something that is entirely about me. a year ago i couldn't have dreamed of doing a half marathon but tomorrow - 6 months to the day before my 35th birthday, i'll walk/run 13.1 miles

i will wake up at 5:30, jump in the shower and be on the road by 6:10. I will get to the city around 7 and park my car and then i will walk to the start and find my corral -- which is all the way in the back...and that's ok. at 7:45 i'll start moving and i'll move for 13.1 miles - 69168 feet. Doesn't sound so bad when you put it in feet...right? RIGHT?

It will take me a while to cross the starting line because I'll be all the way at the back...but once I's all about me. I have my music, I'll have my water, I have my race number...17230

and when I'm done I'll buy the required "finishers" tshirt because tomorrow morning I'll have finished a half marathon....


1 comment:

Carrie said...

you will be fabulous. good luck!