June 23, 2007

25 or 6 to 4

for some god awful reason, this song has been in my head all day.

well, i did it.

i finished a 5k in under 45 minutes...hell, i finished it in under 44 minutes.

it was a great course - very flat.

it was a beautiful morning -- about 64 degrees and totally not humid.

it was a small group -- like 92 or 93?

it was 2 laps around the same course and when i finished the first lap at 22:31 i realized i could do it in under 45 minutes so i really pushed myself. ran a lot more of this than normally. but it felt great and really empowering.

this was the first race i've done without andy either doing it too or being there and while i missed him a lot (and he was my first call when it was done) it was nice for me to know that i'm doing this for ME and not because he is making me or anything like that. i want to find a few more to do this summer and then he and i talked tonight about doing a bunch in the fall. i really like running a race, with a group - it motivates me to push harder. plus when someone laps you at 12 minutes...that makes you realize you have a long way to go but that's ok. i've already come a long way, right?

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