February 28, 2007

least complicated?

Least Complicated
Indigo Girls

I sit two stories above the street
Its awful quiet here since love fell asleep
Theres life down below me though
The kids are walking home from school

Some long ago when we were taught
That for whatever kind of puzzle you got
You just stick the right formula in
A solution for every fool

I remember the time when I came so close to you
Sent me skipping my class and running from school
And I bought you that ring cause I never was cool
What makes me think I could start clean slated
The hardest to learn was the least complicated

So I just sit up in the house and resist
And not be seen until I cease to exist
A kind of conscientious objection
A kind of dodging the draft

The boy and girl are holding hands on the street
And I dont want to but I think you just wait
Its more than just eye to eye
Learn the things I could never apply

I remember the time when I came so close with you
I let everything go it seemed the only truth
And I bought you that ring, it seemed the thing to do

What makes me think I could start clean slated
The hardest to learn was the least complicated
So what makes me think I could start clean slated
The hardest to learn was the least complicated

Im just a mirror of a mirror myself
All the things that I do
And the next time I fall Im gonna have to recall
Its isnt love its only something new

I sit two stories above the street
Its awful quiet here since love fell asleep
Theres life down below me though
The kids are walking home from school

Im remember the time when I came so close with you
Sent me skipping my class and running from school
And I bought you that ring cause I never was cool

What makes me think I could start clean slated
The hardest to learn was the least complicated
So what makes me think I could start clean slated
The hardest to learn was the least complicated
The least complicated
The least complicated

I was thinking on my drive to work today that my life is really complicated....it seems like there are just no easy answers...I want to say anymore but I'm not entirely sure there have EVER been easy answers.

Too many of life's obvious questions, there are no easy answers for me...
  • So, are you married? -- well....yes but it's complicated....
  • How is work? -- well, it's going ok but it's complicated....
  • Are you dating anyone? -- well...yeah but it's complicated...
  • Are you happier now than you were a year ago? -- well...yeah, but it's complicated...
Do we see a theme here? I understand that life is certainly complicated and that it is always easy to look at someone else's life and go "wow, they have it EASY" but from where they sit, I am sure that things are complicated for them.

I find it very easy to focus on the negative in life. All the things that are missing. All the things that I want but aren't there -- it's easy to point and go "yup, that's it -- that's the problem" so I'm trying very hard to focus on being positive. I'm trying to see the gems and beauty that exist in the complications. Even in the complications are moments of certainty and are moments of good and happiness. Would I like for someone to say "yup, here's the plan, start down the path and life will be EASY"? HELL YEAH! Is that going to happen anytime soon? HELL NO! So I take the complications. I even try to embrace the complications. There are lessons there. There have to be. Everything in life is an opportunity to learn and to grow -- an opportunity to become a better person. To be more understanding, to be more loving, to be yourself, less complicated.

Imagine being personally uncomplicated - imagine being transparent and being exactly who you are and enjoying that. I need to learn to enjoy that part of myself more often because I'm terribly hard on myself.

I need to learn to be less complicated.

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