October 29, 2006

Am I ever going to get this going?

I keep thinking I should be a blogger and what do I do about it? Nothing. But I'm gonna try to change that again.

2006 has been a HUGE year of change for me. Pretty much if you can name it, I changed it.

I'm mere moments from being officially divorced.

I changed jobs -- twice and am much happier where I am

I live alone.

I went on more bad dates this summer than a girl can shake a stick at.

I've met a totally great guy.

I said at the beginning of the breakup of my marriage that I wanted to fast forward just to know the end of the movie -- I didn't mind going back and going through it all but I wanted to go forward and just see how it ended -- the suspense was killing me.

On some level, I feel that more now than ever. I am dying to know where I end up. I know I will end up happy and fulfilled -- I simply won't allow it to end up any other way but I'm just so very curious as to what that is going to look like!


Anonymous said...

Patience, my dear. Otherwise, what would the point of life be if we already knew where we were going to end up?

Anonymous said...

so proud of you. And isn't the anticipation crazy, when you wonder where your life is going and how you're going to get there. I've always been in such a hurry to get somewhere, yet I never really sit back and just enjoy it. You have lots of things to really, truly enjoy right now ;).

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses once in a while.. or wipe the dog poo off your shoe. :)